Post by jennykershawPost by UbiquitousPost by UbiquitousI'd report the specifics of Obamanet...but it's not info that's
available to the is rumored that "If you like your
Just another attempt to nullify the First Amendment by the Left.
was the classification of ordinary telephone service as a title ii
communications service instead of a title i information service also
an 'attempt to nullify the first amendment by the left'? what sort of
censorship do you hallucinate is happening when you talk on the phone?
You're talking apples and oranges, unless this is a weak attempt at a
strawman argument. A more apt comparison would be the so-called
"Fairness Doctrine", another attempt to nullify the First Amendment.
no, because there is no regulation of content providers.
only the pipe providers are being regulated, and only to tell them that
they have to treat a gig of a customers traffic the same no matter who
or what is on the other end. a gig of traffic to netflix or a gig to
some obscure site or a gig to the telcos own video site must all be
treated the same. same speed. same price per gig, if metered. and if
theres a cap a gig is a gig is a gig.
they can still charge a customer more for more gigs, or for faster
speeds, but the more gigs or faster speeds apply no matter who the
customer is communicating with online. they cant sell you a plan where
you get 5mbps to netflix and 20mbps to everyone else, either its 5 to
everyone or 20 to everyone but 20 can still be priced higher than 5.
and they cant block sites outright.
another dumbassed troll.